Are you dreaming of the ultimate surf experience? Roadtripping from one beach to another, chasing the best waves? Our Board ‘n Breakfast camper van can make your dream come true. Our van takes you to magnificent places and wakes you up with a front row view on the line-up.

The ‘Board ‘n Breakfast camper van package deal’ offers you several advantages.
First of all, you don’t have to rent a camper van in your home country anymore. Therefore you’ll win some valuable time that you can now spend on your trip itself. While you are traveling to our BnB in the South of France, we’ll prepare a fully equipped camper van for an unforgettable surf holiday. Go discover the Atlantic coast or the Gironde vineyards. Why not even take it to the breath-taking Spanish or Portuguese coasts…
- Full option Adria Matrixcamper van for 4 friends or one family of 5 people
- Very powerful 3l motor, 160 pk, cruise control, 6.86 m length, solar panel and EFOY battery (which means unlimited camping with electricity!), parking sensors + camera
- Bunk beds (2 x 210 x 84) with safety for the kids
- Folding bed 2p (193 x 138)
- Convertible bed (210 x 143)
- Awning
- A lot of storage
- 2 overnight stays/week in our BnB
- Breakfast package for on the road.
- WhatsApp helpline for (surf)tips during your trip
- Bicycle rack + bicycle
- Table and chairs
- Basic supplies (First aid kit, kitchen tools,…)
- Assurance for 2 drivers (see contract)
- Bedsheets
- Cleaning
- Full gas can
Not included
- Camper van needs to be left behind decently (brushed, clean dishes, garbage removed,…). If this is not done, we charge € 75
- If you want us to clean the toilet we charge € 60
- Fuel (Diesel)
- EFOY battery fuel (can be bought at Board ‘n Breakfast)
- Minimum age of the driver needs to be 23, with at least 3 years of driver’s experience
- Families: maximum 5 people, friends: maximum 4 people
- All damage needs to be compensated (see contract)